Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report
The SEC Form Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR) shall be used to disclose PLCs’ performance vis-á-vis SEC recommendations* using the “comply or explain” approach. The I-ACGR also harmonizes the corporate governance reportorial requirements of the SEC and the PSE. SEC-issued Code of Corporate Governance for PLCs  was released on November 22, 2016.

SEC-Form-I-ACGR 2023 – May 30, 2024
SEC-Form-I-ACGR 2022 – May 30, 2023
SEC Form I-ACGR 2021
– May 30, 2022
SEC Form I-ACGR 2020 – June 25, 2021
SEC Form I-ACGR 2019 – Sept 1, 2020
SEC Form I-ACGR 2018 – May 30, 2019
SEC-Form-I-ACGR 2017  – May 30, 2018

Annual Corporate Governance Report
Philex Mining filed with the PSE  Commission on July 1, 2013 a copy of its Annual Corporate Governance Report, or ACGR (SEC Form  ACGR) for 2012, in accordance with Revised Code of Corporate Governance of the Securities and Exchange  Commission.

Under the Securities and Exchange Commission Circular No. 1, Series of 2014, on the Guidelines for Changes and updates in ACGR, all listed companies are not required to submit an ACGR to the Securities and Exchange  Commission on the second to the fourth year.  The next submission will be in five (5) years from its initial submission and every five (5) years thereafter.  The aforesaid circular takes effect immediately.

Annual Corporate Governance Report  2016
Consolidated Changes in the ACGR for 2015
Consolidated Changes in the ACGR for 2014
Annual Corporate Governance Report  as of  Sept. 2014
Consolidated Changes in the ACGR for 2013
 Annual Corporate Governance Report 2012